The Infinity harness/container system was designed with two basic concepts in mind: safety and performance.
The infinity has always placed an emphasis on the nuts and bolts of rig safety including: secure pin cover flaps and riser covers, secondary main riser covers incorporated into the reserve container side flaps, a redesigned reserve pilot chute for better launch and higher drag, and the standard Reserve Static Line (RSL) which is Velcro-free and concealed for maximum snag resistance.
In addition to those legacy safety features, Velocity Sports Equipment now includes the VSE MARD on every Infinity! Velocity Sports Equipment developed this next generation MARD to lead the industry and address issues found on other MARDS in the industry.
The Infinity™ features many of the state-of-the-art design features found on most skydiving rigs, but we have done it the Velocity way. From the beginning, the Infinity has made great effort to integrate features without adding on extra unneeded pieces or elements just for the sake of saying "we have that too". The well thought out design of the Infinity rig is the baseline for the highest quality and performance standards in skydiving gear and equipment.

Every Infinity Harness / Container assembly includes the following features:
- Stainless Steel hardware (NEW!)
- Hip rings (NEW!)
- Floating laterals (NEW!)
- Mesh or Cordura back pad (NEW!)
- Reserve ripcord of your choice (Pillow, D, Low D or Mini Helwedge) (NEW!)
- Main pilot chute handle of your choice (hackey w/ tab or free fly pud) (NEW!)
- Rolled edge leg pads
- Dual Riser Covers
- Main risers (22") with hard housings with main toggles
- Main riser cutaway pillow and cables
- Main Pin Cover Protection
- Main deployment bag (d-bag)
- Main kill line pilot chute with bridle
- Reserve Static Line (RSL)
- Reserve toggles
- Reserve free bag with bridle
- Reserve pilot chute
- Polycarbonate hook knife
- Spring Loaded Legstrap Adapters
- Standard color pattern with VSE logos embroidered on left mudflap & both side bodies, and the Infinity™ symbol on the #1 flap
Each Infinity Harness / Container assembly can be fully customized. The base Infinity is extremely capable for all skydiving disciplines, but we also offer a wide array of options to suit your individual needs. In addition, the design choices Velocity Sports Equipment offers on your Infinity is second to none.
Hardware Options:
- Black Stainless Steel Hardware
- Chest Rings
- Double wide leg straps
- Chest Strap Extension
- Removable Belly Band
- Wingsuit Corners
- Wingsuit bridle for Main Pilot Chute
- Semi-stowless Main Bag
- Main Risers with reinforced dive loops (Swoop Loops)
- Main Risers for competition (Swoop loops, Upper Rings & Sewn in half)
- Aluminum Hook Knife
- Alternate location for Hook Knife on Mud Flap for Wingsuiting
Design Upgrades:
- Velocity's signature X-out or Party Stripe patterns on the Top Flap
- Split color options for the container and harness
- Off color stitching for the binding tape
- Quilted and Crazy Stitching on most panels
- Unlimited embroidery and dye sublimation options
- Try Velocity's concierge design services to help your dream become a reality.
- Main pin cover protection- Main pin and bridle protection are important in preventing out of sequence deployments and premature openings. The Infinity main pin flap does a great job of protecting both pin and bridle by anchoring the main pin flap and top main container flap at the same point. It's robust yet easy to use. You never need to put much worry that you may have knocked the pin cover open when climbing around inside or out of the aircraft.
- A BOC that is integrated near the bridle protection flap.
- Shaped corners that give extra security to bridle stowage and shape to the container in a way that tie in to the side flaps.
- Riser tuck tabs- to the size and shape of the riser flap tuck tabs, riser covers stay closed in any orientation and speed.
- Fully enclosed reserve pilot chute.
The Infinity™ is a great option for all skydiving and parachuting disciplines. Here are just a few that we cover (Accuracy and CRW not shown).

Everything about the Infinity harness container system is ideal for freeflying. Along with the standard features of the Infinity Rig, the freefly container includes:
- Floating laterals- These have been called "the single most innovative improvement in harness design in a few decades."
- Chest articulation and freefly handles.

We've taken the Infinity to the next level with wingsuit modifications. We offer wingsuit corners (1" sewup) on the main container, a semi-stowless deployment bag, a ring cover hook knife mount and a longer bridle on the main pilot chute.
The semi-stowless deployment bag provides smoother and more consistently stable, on-heading openings.
Check out the Slow-motion video of the Party Bag exiting the container here.
The triangular stabilizer flap on the bag (attached to the bridle) creates a higher suspension point for the elastic stows to release. It reduces the amount of tilt that is caused from the elastic stows grabbing the lines.